What can be done if Auto Login not working for Hitachi Compute Blade 500 or any flash based web application.

What can be done if Auto Login not working for (Hitachi Compute Blade 500) or any flash based web application.

Problem Statement

What can be done if Auto Login not working for (Hitachi Compute Blade 500) or any flash based web application.

Issue Description

Auto Login is not happening for one of the device (Hitachi Compute Blade 500) in TCS which is Flash based web application.
Parameter was given as (https://IP-ADDR<AUN><AUP><ASF><UTY>0<WB3><SAL>). This issue observerd in version.
Note :- For UTY value when we try to do tab after landing on login page it never comes on the user id field, it rotates on address bar and other options only, in loop. But when we clicked on actual login page once and then pressed tab it comes on userid. Accordingly we provided the value for UTY but auto login is not happening.

Issue Resolution

As discussed above challange with Neelima from development team. they have suggested the Image SSO test utility. Below are the steps for image sso test utility.

Download test utilty for Hitachi Compute Blade 500 web app SSO from below link :

Steps to follow for testing :

  1. Unzip downloaded file
  2. Open folder [ Image SSO\ARCON AWB\imgdata } and replace images with new cropped images. [DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME OF THE IMAGES]
  3. Open command line (terminal).
  4. Change directory to ARCON AWB folder. [ cd Image SSO\ARCON AWB] .
  5. Execute command :

"ARCON AWB.exe" "username<AP>password<AP>FLASH<AP>URL<SAL><FLASH>"

Ex : "ARCON AWB.exe" "test<AP>pass@123<AP>FLASH<AP>https://<SAL><FLASH>"

6. Once first page is loaded completely then click on Auto Login button and wait for the result.

Once found it is working fine with test utility. We need to upgrade the Arcon version to U2 and need to follow the steps from document which available on below link.