Not able to launch Envelope in Password Module getting 500 Internal error

After hosting the Password Module every thing is working fine but getting error 500 internal error for Envelope Section.

If the issue is related to just opening the envelope page
Run the query on Database

select * from sso_Arcos_Config where aps_id=52
If no data is received in the after executing the Query. If you receive the same response as in the image below.

Run the below Query and Restart the Microservices Website.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[sso_arcos_config]
([aps_id] ,[aps_id_subid] ,[aps_description],[aps_defaultvalue],[aps_minvalue],[aps_maxvalue],[aps_grouping],[aps_input_type])
VALUES (52,1,'Pin Mailer - Auto Generate Password For PDF - Is Enabled' ,1 ,0 ,1 ,'Fail Safe (Envelope)',1)