Oracle SQL Developer Installation not found in application folder

Oracle SQL Developer Installation not found in application folder

Oracle SQL Developer Installation not found in application folder. 

Error - Oracle SQL Developer Installation not found in application folder.  

Issue description - 

while accessing App SQL Developer-Oracle service in mac thick client v9.0.0.7/8, we are getting Installation not found error & Earlier we installed SQL Developer in the download folder by default. 

Default path- /Users/sbmbank/Downloads/ 

SQL Developer version - 22

Resolution Steps:

  1. We dragged and dropped the SQL Developer application from the default download folder to the Application Folder.(/Users/sbmbank/Application/ 
  2. We added the application folder path of SQL Developer to the preference path.
  3. Following these steps, we were able to successfully access the SQL Developer-Oracle service and initiate Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality.

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