How to Implement PYLAS Service on windows server

How to Implement PYLAS Service on windows server

- Pylas service and Database server Credentials required to created db file 

Steps to install - 

1. Steps to create DB file -

  1. Navigate to the main package folder and then to the "pySRV-LAS-240408\Utilities\DB-ENC" directory.
  2. Locate the "pyDBe.exe" file and run it.
  3. Enter the server IP address and credentials when prompted.
  4. Specify "ARCOSDB" as the Database name for connecting to the database server for PyLAS.
  5. Repeat the same process for the "ARCOSRDPDB" database, as connectivity to both databases is required for the version of the PyLAS service.
  6. Click on enter or any key to exit from pyDBe.exe,it will create db credential encrypted file 


  1. Create a CONS named folder in pyLAS240331\package and place the both encrypted file in it 

Following these steps should establish the necessary connectivity for the PyLAS service to interact with the specified databases.refer the below snapshot for the same 


(note- I have mentioned only mandatory changes required to run Pylas ,you can read the Pylas.ini file for more)

  1. Install Pylas service -

Before installing pylas service we need configure the pylas.ini file -navigate to pyLAS240331\package path and open Pylas.ini file in notepad 

A. Change the max_cpu and max_ram percent as per clients hardware 



B. In the following parameters, specify the path to the database encrypted files which we have placed in CONS folder previously .


  1.  Specify the path to the Image and archived_video folders from LogviewerWeb Hosting and create LAS-LOGS and SES-LOGS folders that will be used to monitor the service logs and session logs of the service. Please specify the path to both below.

D. After making the necessary changes to Pylas.ini, run pySRV.exe with administrative privileges,You will be prompted with a new command will able to check installer and python version at start 

Select option 1 to install the service and option 2 to start the service


The service will be installed in the directory "C:/ProgramData/pyLAS"

To check whether PyLas is running from services.msc, and you can monitor the archive process by examining LAS-LOGS and SES-LOGS files.

Note- you can also run the exe form  pyLAS240331\package where installer exe is getting blocked

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