Admin Settings Page showing Error Code 0 or Error Code 500
Checked all configuration for Admin Settings page. Admin API is browsable but Admin UI shows Error Code 0.
Admin Settings page can only be opened with the URL Set in AdminUI/assets/config.json
If you view any mismatch between URL entered Above and the URL shown in the Error means you are trying to browse Admin UI with a different URL from which it is intended to be Browsed from.
Check if all the locations ADMINAPI/appsettings.json(all 3 URL) , AdminUI/assets/config.json and (if version below U16 SP2 B35.8.2) AdminUI/main_files have the same URL.
If you are facing the Error Code 500 Error.
Check if Admin API is browsable or not. If you have any Load Balancer go to Application Server and browse Admin API through IIS.
If you face the same issue Check if .NET installed on the Application Server (location where your Admin API is hosted) and has 5 entries of the installed in Control Panel.
If you have .NET installed but then also face the issue.
Go to location in Regedit Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ASP.NET Core\Shared Framework.
You should only have 1 .NET entry present here i.e. if you have installed 7.0.4 only 7.0 entry should be present v2.2 should not be present.
To resolve this delete the v2.2 entry from Registry Editor and Uninstall v2.2.6 if present in Control Panel. Take a restart to the Server.